Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ups and Downs

So I am getting more and more behind on my posts- my apologies. I have been playing a mad game of catch-up this past week with my readings. I have a few ups and downs to share.

Up- I figured out a successful way to "skim" my articles so I don't feel nearly as stressed with the loads of them that I have to read each week. I still get the same information out of them too!

Down- Well...kind of an up too. I unexpectedly went out this past weekend with a few friends. A couple of crazy nights and drunk conversations made for a great time, but the down side is it severely put me behind in my readings. Still learning that balance.

Up- Dr. Mike Orbe, a renowned scholar in the Communication Studies Department (my dept) is coming from Michigan to speak at TTU. I am really excited to meet him and have him sign my book. I am currently working with a professor on research to extend one of his theories, so it will be really interesting to strike a conversation with him over that.

Down- My $100 blow-up mattress potentially has a small hole in it. It nearly completely deflated last night and it was plain awful. If it deflates again tonight, I will be moving to the couch.

Up- JADE COMES TOMORROW!!! After two very long and agonizing months, she is coming for six whole days! We have a lot of plans, so my next post should be a lot more exciting and full of pictures of the cutest couple ever (us, duh!). Her visit also prompted me to do my first apartment cleaning (I know, it needs to happen more often) and so it looks and smells relatively clean!

Down- My sleep patterns have been awful- I am hoping to get those back on track.

Up- My lady will get to go to her first Red Raider football game, against Oklahoma (super big rival). Pretty excited about this black-out game.

Down- I hate leaving Zoey home alone most days. I do leave the radio on for her and pull the curtains aside, although I still need to get her some kind of window sill seat so she can sit and look out.

Up- I received my first paycheck! The downside is that nearly all of it went to bills- being an adult sucks! But it is nice to be able to buy something other than pasta and frozen vegetables.

I could probably go on for a while on my ups and downs, and they would probably stay consistently even too, but I will stop here. Look forward to next week!

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